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Writer's pictureGaurav Rahate

Is Forever Living a Scam? Debunking the Myths and Sharing My Experience

No, it's not a scam at all, but yes, it’s a bit different than the ordinary sales market.

As someone with 2.5 years of experience as a direct sales Independent Business Owner (IBO) with Forever Living Products (FLP), I believe I can share my experience and guide anyone more accurately than others.

Common Objections About Forever Living Products

Here are some common objections people have when they hear about Forever Living:

  1. Some say the products are expensive.

  2. Some claim it’s a pyramid scheme.

  3. Some argue it’s hard to make money in this company.

  4. Some believe the success rate is lower than other companies.

  5. Some claim Forever Living products have side effects.

  6. Some think Forever agents brainwash newcomers, hence it’s a scam.

Let's address these objections in detail.

Addressing the Objections

An infographic addressing common objections about Forever Living Products with clear, concise responses. The infographic features sections for each objection, including product pricing, pyramid scheme concerns, making money, success rate, product side effects, and brainwashing allegations, all set against a background with Forever Living’s branding colors.

Product Pricing

Yes, Forever Living products are more expensive than some available products. However, this does not mean they are not worth the price.

Reasons for Higher Price:

  • Quality: Forever Living uses high-quality Aloe Vera products, ensuring premium health benefits.

  • System and Support: The price includes not only the product quality but also the support system provided by the company.

In the direct sales business, understanding the concept of "points" is crucial. When you invest in FLP products, you earn points (CCs) that are important for your promotions and benefits. Achieving a level once stays with you for a lifetime in Forever Living, helping you build long-term assets.

Team Support

Good teams provide support systems and services for free to your customers, making it easier to sell products. They teach you how to market and proceed in the business.

Bad teams, on the other hand, focus on brainwashing newcomers, motivating them with hype, and pushing for one-time purchases. These teams can give the impression of a scam, but the company itself is not at fault.

Pyramid Scheme Concerns

Forever Living is not a pyramid scheme. In pyramid schemes, recruiting new members is the primary way to earn money. In FLP, you can earn through both sales and recruitment. Sales are mandatory to make money, not recruitment. You can earn a 25% to 48% discount on sales, and your team will support you by providing systems and services.

Difficulty in Making Money

It is not hard to make money in FLP if you choose the right team and improve your personal branding and sales skills.

Success Rate

The success rate of Forever Living is higher than many other MLM companies in the market. The key is choosing the right team and utilizing the provided resources effectively.

Side Effects of Products

Forever Living products do not have side effects when taken according to the guidelines of experts. Dosage and intake schedules depend on individual medical health. A good team of nutritionists or doctors can provide proper support.

Misguided recommendations by unknowledgeable individuals can cause side effects, but this is not the fault of the company.

Brainwashing Allegations

Forever Living provides a money-back guarantee on products and business joining, which is a clear indication that it is not a scam. Those who hide this information are not ethical representatives of the company.


Forever Living Products is a legitimate company with a unique business model different from traditional sales markets. The support system, product quality, and earning potential make it a viable opportunity for those willing to put in the effort.

If you want to know more about me, you can check my bio or contact me on Instagram @official_gavrow or YouTube at Forever Gavrow.

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